Gotchas / Consumer

CFPB Takes Action Against Company for Processing Upfront Debt Settlement Fees

Debt settlement firms that require upfront payments continue to find themselves in the cross-hairs of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. On Thursday, the agency announced it filed a complaint against a Washington state payment processor, Meracord LLC, alleging it provides the financial structure that enables collection of illegal upfront fees from consumers [Keep reading]

Cybercrime / Privacy

New telemarketer dirty trick — impersonating teachers, calling parents during the school day

Caller ID isn’t always what it appears, and increasingly, criminal telemarketers are taking advantage of that.  Aggressive phone sales operators have pretended to be the IRS, and they’ve pretended to be charities, but apparently they’ve developed a new tactic recently — impersonating teachers, calling parents at home during the school day. [Keep reading]

Cybercrime / Privacy

Deep background: Latest threat to your bank account – hackers using digital copies of canceled checks for real-world fraud

Are those digital checks you can download from your online bank putting your money at risk? Perhaps. Old-fashioned check fraud, supercharged by online account hijacking, is the latest fraud headache, I learned at the Visa Security Summit in D.C. on Wednesday.  Some are calling it check fraud with “digital fine [Keep reading]